Eastern Washington University - Cheney, Washington  -   Request Information

School Mission

"Eastern Washington University is a student-centered- regionally based- comprehensive university. Its campus is located in Cheney- within the Spokane metropolitan area- with additional learning centers in the region and elsewhere in Washington State. Its mission is to prepare broadly educated- technologically proficient- and highly productive citizens to attain meaningful careers- to enjoy enriched lives- and to make contributions to a culturally diverse society. Eastern Washington University will achieve its mission by providing:

School Location

Eastern Washington University
526 5th Street
Cheney, Washington

Latitude: +47.60670
Longitude: -117.50028

School Phone Number

(509) 359-6200

School Type

Public- 4-year or above

School Program Length

Four or more years

School Status


Degrees Granted by Level

Degrees Granted in 2009  
Associate's Degrees 0
Bachelor's Degrees 2059
Master's Degrees 546

Degrees Granted by Length

Degrees Granted in 2009  
1-Year Degrees 0
2-Year Degrees 0
4-Year Degrees 0

School Student Body Size


Average Criminal Justice Tuition for a Year in 2009


School Links

School Website
Financial Aidwww.ewu.edu/Admissions/Financial-Aid.xml
Enrollment Applicationhttps://eagleapp02.ewu.edu/PROD-DAD/bwskalog.P_DispLoginNon